Principles of Music Composing XXIII: National versus Global | 2023


This collection of scholarly articles is a periodical dedicated to raising and exploring fundamental issues in music composition. The 23rd volume of the Principles of Music Composing is focused on the interaction between the national and global. It should be noted that in the postmodern society of today, the concept of nationality raises a wide spectrum of debates. While ethnic music has served as one of the main potentials of national music for many centuries, in contemporary society the manifestation of one or another tradition in cultural texts raises a complex of problematic issues: the validity of the very concept of identity, the dissonances between ethnic and cultural identities, the primacy of one ethnic/cultural group over another vs their harmonious coexistence, the authentic living of ethnicity vs its cultural appropriation, etc. The interplay between the national and global seems to be more relevant than ever. Thus, the journal’s editors are engaged in finding the conditions and dimensions that allow the spontaneity of ethnic music to unfold in the 21st century, as well as discovering the various equivalents of nationality in the music of the post-national era.


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