Ars et praxis

Guide for authors

„Ars et Praxis“ is a periodic scientific journal of the humanities. Every year one volume of the journal is published. Editorial board includes authoritative scientists from Lithuania as well as foreign countries, humanitarians from institutions of different fields. Publications submitted to the journal must be fully original, never published before in other editions. While using other sources as well as other scientific material, the authors must invoke the rules of fair quoting – cases of plagiarism is unacceptable. The journal protects copyright as well as academic ethics standards. In turn, the editor and editorial board commits not to reveal any information about the submitted papers, with an exception of the author himself, co-authors, reviewers, potential reviewers and other persons related to the publishing (language editors, publishers and etc.). The journal applies the standard of peer review. Reviewers treat papers as confidential documents, peer review relies on the objectivity as well as the clear argumentation.

In case of the author noticing fundamental errors left after his paper is published he is obligated to inform the journal’s editor and cooperate in the process of correction. The editors and editorial board is not responsible for the opinions, views and contents published in the submitted papers. The responsibility for the originality, veracity and errors lies on the author.

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Scientific articles and source publications should be between 20,000 and 30,000 characters. Longer publications will be published only after the editorial board’s approval.

Publication structure: article title, author’s name and surname; name of the institution where the article was written; abstract (clearly list the research aims, objectives, object of the research, methods, and discuss the level of analysis of the topic of discussion), keywords, text, list of references. A summary must be given at the end of the article along with the keywords in English (if the article is submitted in a language other than Lithuanian, then the summary and keywords must be in Lithuanian). The summary must be between 1,000 and 1,500 characters. The article submission date should also be shown at the end of the article.

Texts should be written using Microsoft Word in 12 point Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing. Illustrations should be submitted in *.tif or *.jpg formats (no less than 300 dpi is preferable), while music examples should be in vector *.pdf or *.eps formats. Scanned illustrations should be in *.tif format (no less than 300 dpi).

ARS ET PRAXIS abides by the following procedure for citation, source referencing and the list of literature:

  1. Citations are to be in quotation marks.

1.1. When a citation is over three lines in length, it should be set apart in a separate paragraph; if needed, it may be presented in a smaller or a different font.

1.2. Any corrections made by the author to the citation should be in square brackets. When a citation does not begin from the start of the sentence, it should start in lowercase, suspension points are not to be written at the beginning. When a citation ends before the end of the sentence, suspension points are to be included in square brackets.

1.3. Citations in other languages should be translated into Lithuanian. If needed, citations may be given in the original language, and then should be translated and included in a footnote reference.

  1. Names in Latin lettering should be given in the original language, while names written in other languages should be transliterated using the Latin alphabet according to the rules set down by the Lithuanian Language Commission. The person’s full name should be written the first time it is mentioned, thereafter – only the surname, and if needed (when several people have the same surname) – the surname and first initial.
  2. Continuous numeration of footnotes (not endnotes) should be used in each article. Literature references should be given in the body of the text, not as footnotes. In brackets indicate the author’s surname, year of publication and page number(s).
  3. The list of references should be in alphabetical order based on the author’s surname. Publications in Cyrillic should not be transliterated and should be given at the end of the list of references.


Tyla, A. Garšvių knygnešių draugija. Vilnius: Mintis, 1991.

Merkys, V. Motiejus Valančius: Tarp katalikiškojo universalizmo ir tautiškumo. Vilnius: Mintis, 1999.

Gaidos obertonai: 1991−2009. Recenzijos, pokalbiai, reminiscencijos. Sudarytoja R. Stanevičiūtė. Vilnius: Lietuvos kompozitorių sąjunga, 2011.

Zinkevičius, Z. Rinktiniai straipsniai. T. 2: Valstybė ir kalba. Senųjų raštų kalba. ­XVIII–XIX a. rašomoji kalba. XX amžius. Rytų Lietuva. Vilnius: Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija, 2002.

Article in a book/compilation:

Aleksandravičiūtė, A. Naujųjų amžių ornamentika Hozijaus namų tapyboje. Kurian­tis protas brangesnis nei turtai [recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių ir recenzijų rinkinys]. Vilnius, 2009, p. 4–60.

Article in a periodical journal:

Andrijauskas, A. Chaimas Soutine’as – tragiškojo modernizmo korifėjus. Metai, 2009, Nr. 2, p. 124−137.

Article in a multi-volume publication:

Mickūnaitė, G. Didžiojo kunigaikščio medžioklė: pasakojimas, vaizdas, alegorijos. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis. T. 55: Lietuvos dvarai: kultūros paveldo tyrinėjimai. Vilnius, 2009, p. 7–22.

Article in an online journal:

Vidžiūnienė, A. 1990−2000 metai: Lietuvos politinio elito formavimasis. Sociumas, 2000, Nr. 19 <> [žiūrėta 2013 07 31].

Manuscript/archive documents:

Дело о приписании к Сурдецкому монастырю вольных людей. [Ковно], 1843, октябрь. Kauno apskrities archyvas, f. 49, ap. 1, b. 614, l. 1–4.

Online documents:

Caroll, L. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland [interaktyvus]. Texinfo ed. 2.1. [Dortmund, Germany]: WindSpiel, November 1994. Prieiga per internetą: <http://www.> [žiūrėta 1995 02 10].

  1. Authors should submit a short academic biography in Lithuanian and English on a separate page, indicating their most significant works and academic interests.
  2. Scientific articles should be sent by e-mail and upon the request of the editorial board, they may be printed on paper (A4) and saved on CD. Illustrations should be submitted on separate pages along with a list. Printed texts and illustrations, and data-saving devices are not returned to the author.
  3. All scientific articles are anonymously peer reviewed. Authors are only informed of the reviews when it is considered that corrections need to be made to the text. The editorial board is not obliged to give explanations as to why certain texts are rejected. The maximum term during which the editorial board should decide whether to publish, reject or return a text for correction is four months.